

Hello again,

I have always created stories in my head but only occasionally put them to paper.  My first attempt at a story longer than a few pages was a fictional piece about a black horse called Darko, an attempt at a modern day Black Beauty for me, as I have always loved animals.  I think I was probably one of the first child patients to be allowed to have my pet dog visit me in hospital on many occasions, as the staff knew I certainly needed that therapy and would greatly appreciate it.

An inspiration for 'Spirits in the snow'.
I turned to writing short stories for a while and one example, 'Spirit in the Snow' is here.

I soon discovered that I also enjoyed writing poetry, after joining a writing group in Edinburgh and experimenting with different genres.  I wrote several poems and 'A Walk up Rodanbraes' is an example,

I began writing 'Crossed Stars' about five years ago.  There had been a few ventures into this planet in my head and, as you will see with 'The Hidden Cave', a world of knights and mystery.
Rodanbraes Cottage - inspired the ruined meeting place.
The 'in Varren' trilogy is a pulling together of my ideas from all that I have enjoyed from the best books I have ever read.  It also takes in many places that I have experienced, from horse-riding in Transylvania to the many trips I have made to Wales to visit family.

The biggest influence for the start of my novel came from the beautiful place where I live.  The place also embraces a long history that is still here today with a sixteenth century corn mill and a "new" eighteenth century threshing mill.
A later scene in Crossed Stars - in Hazer.
The family that owned this land in the seventeenth century played a leading role in the Civil War, close to Oliver Cromwell, and later King Charles II.  This role is explored more in my second novel "The Lady of Shentor".  This historic perspective is combined with the futuristic landscape of my imagination, on other planets.
I am sure you will enjoy my first novel and hopefully look forward to the second in this trilogy.
Have a good read
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